A collection of gardening tools and essentials that are made with eco friendly practices and longevity in mind.
Gardening Supplies
Livestock Necessities
Books + Resources
Yes, you can have a regenerative garden on a budget! Learn helpful low-cost ways to grow a sustainable backyard vegetable garden.
Organize your tools with these innovative and attractive garden shed solutions for your yard, made with sustainable construction materials.
Broadforking can boost soil health and improve clay soil - and it's sustainable! Learn how to use this gardening tool and all its benefits.
Check out this comprehensive list of the tools I turn to most frequently in my regenerative garden to improve soil health & tend to the land
Part of our apartment homesteading series! A full guide to growing veg in containers, with options for eco-friendly pots and compact plants.
Spot the signs of nutrient deficiency in plants, + learn how to ensure that your plants grow optimally with these top organic fertilizers.
Extend your growing season and become more self-sufficient with these eco-friendly greenhouse kits, perfect for your backyard or homestead.
shop small, gift sustainable, be practical
Long-lasting seed starter trays & non-plastic seed starting alternatives - Reduce plastic waste with these durable and sustainable options.
These are the best non-toxic raised garden beds for your backyard vegetable garden - long lasting, sustainable, and durable!
Find the best Organic Heirloom Vegetable Seeds near you in our guide for US Seed Suppliers that value growing locally adapted veggie seeds.
These resolable boots may be the last ones you'll ever need to buy for working outside - sustainable, repairable, and extra comfortable.
Discover the critical role peatlands play in climate change and why sustainable gardeners need to advocate for peat-free soil alternatives.
Take care of goats with our full list of essential dairy goat supplies. We will show you everything you need to raise your first goat herd!
Get started on your chicken-keeping journey with a full checklist of the essential supplies I use to take care of my flock.
Buy hatching eggs and chicks from small, sustainable, and humane farms. Source your new chicks & from our list of the best hatcheries.
Get fresh inspo for your eco-friendly garden! These new books and anticipated pre-orders will make 2024 your green thumb + green living year
Discover how regenerative garden design can transform your outdoor space into a sustainable, climate-positive oasis. Free Workbook Included!
Your seasonal gardening guide: Master sustainable garden tasks year-round with our regenerative gardening tips for eco-friendly growth!
Are you a new gardener? Read my top picks for the best gardening books for beginners. Gain the skills you need to grow your first garden!
Start apartment homesteading with these informative books that show you how to get started with gardening in the city and ancestral skills.
Start a new sustainable garden or transform your existing garden into an eco friendly paradise with these book suggestions.