fava bean pod illustrations

nature-based solutions
to climate change with organic gardening and regenerative farming practices

a vision for all gardens to be regenerative

This blog is written on the traditional homelands of the Chinook and other indigenous peoples. We honor their enduring relationship with these lands and recognize the ongoing contributions of indigenous communities to the region, and to gardening, farming, and stewardship as a whole.

about the author

Hi, I'm Ren - an environmental advocate, gardener, artist, and total plant nerd. I tend to a 5 acre property that is a mix of gardens, pasture, and woodland.

As a planetary advocate, my area of focus lies in distilling information about the science of environmentalism. I enjoy researching and organizing the information as much as sharing it through writing and illustration.

As a homesteader myself, I know the power that agriculture has to change to more permaculture-based regenerative ways that can actually help the planet instead of harming it.

I make a conscious effort to have the way our homestead operates be beneficial to the planet with researched regenerative practices. This includes rainwater capture to support our irrigation in the dry months of summer, solar power, and cover cropping to build soil and capture carbon.

At heart, I'm a knowledge gatherer. Instead of collecting objects, I have a hobby of collecting facts. I guess I also collect seeds, too.

I'll speak to you in botanical Latin, talk your ear off about pollinator-plant relationships, and squeal with joy at finding strands mycorrhizal fungi in the soil. I'm the kind of person who, for the past 3 years, has kept an organized spreadsheet of bloom dates of native wildflowers, trees, and bushes.

In addition to all things gardening, my areas of focus are food preservation and fermentation, ecological relationships, cheese making, soil health, enhancing endangered populations, botanical dyes, foraging, and herbalism.

When I'm not gardening or spending time with the goats, I enjoy drawing - the illustrations you see throughout the site are made by me.

the mission of eco friendly homestead

We want be part of healing the planet & creating a more sustainable future, and believe that nature-based solutions to climate change are the key to making that possible.

Our goal is to share the principles of regenerative agriculture with you so that it can be applied to your small garden or homestead. We know that sometimes big systems can be overwhelming, so we're here to distill this information to make it actionable and easy to implement. In this way, we can create a global shift in the way that we sequester carbon, grow food, and become a world full of earth stewards.

We’re really just a bunch of plant nerds, trying to make a difference in the world, and we believe the best place to do that is in the garden. Sometimes we’re silly, sometimes poetic, but most times we’re just hopeful for the planet.

Our mission is to help people - no matter if you’re apartment homesteading or tending to a 20 acre permaculture farm. We're here for everyone.

We also cover topics like renewable energy, eco-friendly products, and sustainable living.

We recognize that big corporations and a select few individuals are dominating the actions that are taken for the planet on a large scale. But we also believe that there is power in the collective to create big change.

At eco friendly homestead, we pride ourselves on providing reliable and trustworthy information. We are constantly researching and staying up-to-date on the latest sustainability science and practices, and we only share information that we believe is accurate and helpful.

Dig in to regenerative gardening and check out some of our favorite articles: