Foraging & Wild Edibles
Native Plant Profiles & Gardening
Traditional Plant Practices
A fresh view on companion planting - native species! See how native plants help your veggie garden fight off pests and get bigger yields.
A visual guide to help you ID different types of wild blackberries in the PNW. Learn native vs invasive varieties for land stewardship.
Discover the ecological wonders of hedgerows - diverse plant ecosystems supporting wildlife, sequestering carbon, and enhancing soil health
Planning a regenerative garden? These plants will help you reach your goals, improve soil health, enhance the ecosystem, & grow healthy food
Harvest marigold seeds with confidence - follow my visual guide to avoid common mistakes - be certain your seeds germinate next season!
Master Nootka Rose identification in the Pacific Northwest. Our guide covers key traits, habitats, and expert tips for precise recognition.
A Guide to Differences in PNW Elderberries: Native Red & Blue species, and Non-Native Black. ID tips for medicine, wildlife & land care.
Don't call it a weed - greet nettles with gratitude! It supports humans and the health of of soil, livestock, and beneficial insects, too.
Pacific Trilliums are a native wildflower with lessons on living your best life. Learn the science and wonder of these PNW at-risk plants.
Discover the hawthorn tree's role in myth and ecology, and learn how this tree offers nourishment to humans, wildlife, and habitat alike.
A definitive visual guide to identify wild roses in the PNW - learn if it's a native or invasive rose species for land stewardship.
Explore the eco-friendly snowberry plant—ideal for wildlife habitats, highly adaptable, with white berries that persist into winter
You may see Cleavers as a weed to get rid of, but it plays a big ecological role, and has been a part of human culture for millennia.
Prunella vulgaris is an important native wildflower with many ecological and medicinal properties. Learn how to ID and grow it in your yard!
Interested in Growing Your Own Dye Plants? Check Out Our Visual Guide to Dye Garden Layout Ideas, Plus Growing Tips for Specific Dye Plants.
Join me in the sustainable art of Lobster Mushroom dyeing! Here's a step-by-step guide to vibrant colors through eco-friendly dye method.
What plants can be turned into dyestuff? In our dye garden guide, you'll find a list of 150+ plants, sorted by color, culture, and type.